
How You Can Spend Your Cryptocurrency Today

The concept of cryptocurrency and virtual money has been somewhat of a controversy over the past few years. People that are against it typically assume that there is no way to actually spend the virtual money. Since it is not actually tangible paper money that you can see and hold in your hand, how can you even use it for making purchases?


But there are plenty of ways to spend your cryptocurrency. The easiest method for spending is through Bitcoin, but Ether and Litecoin are also becoming more popular. If you believe that buying cryptocurrency feels like taking a risk since you won’t be able to spend it, fear not! Here are the top ways to spend your virtual money today.

Purchase gift cards to a variety of stores for yourself and as gifts

Just about every store accepts gift cards at their retail locations and online websites. There is a sight called that allows you to spend your Bitcoin, Litecoin and Ether money in exchange to receiving gift cards to your favorite stores. You can’t find every store on eGifter, but there are over 250 brands to choose from so chances are you’ll find what you’re looking for.


Whether you’re hoping to buy a new electronic device, clothing, home hardware, or your early morning coffee, you can find a gift card for it. If a tangible product is what you want to purchase with virtual money, this is the easiest way to do it. All you have to do is go to the eGifter website, choose the cards you want, and input your Bitcoin or other address when you reach the payment page.

Keep excitement in your life and gamble online

If you are okay with taking a risk and gambling is your thing, why not try to gamble with your cryptocurrency? There are online casinos where you can bet your Bitcoin, Ether, or Litecoin while playing the slots, blackjack, roulette, or online poker. Bitcoin is the most widely accepted form of virtual money for online gambling, but they say ethereum is getting more widely accepted among the gambling providers.



Decorate your home with furniture, artwork, and home accessories and essentials


One of the most well-known online home decorating source is Not only can you find some of the best deals here, you can also use your virtual wallet as a payment method. Bitcoin was accepted as a form of payment about four years ago, but since them the company is also accepting other forms of virtual money like Dash and Litecoin.


You can buy everything from new dining room furniture to kitchenware to artwork for your walls on Overstock. If you have cryptocurrency sitting in your virtual wallet and are in the mood for some interior designing, check out before heading anywhere else.



Treat yourself with a few luxury items



In the mood to treat yourself? There is a luxury website called The White Company that gives you access to every luxury item imaginable. The best part is you can use your cyber cash for purchasing. Even if you want backstage passes to that upcoming concert, chances are you’ll find it.


Tips for Using Recyclable Materials in Your Building Plans

The use of recycled materials in green homes and buildings proves to be one of the most common ways to show sustainability. Aside from economic benefits, seeing recycled or salvaged materials never fail to imbibe feel-good factor to ones mood. Here are some tips on how some recycled materials can be incorporated in your green home.


Recycled woods are as effective as finished wood but they are generally cheaper in terms of cost. Recycled woods aside from structural uses in walls and windows can seamlessly find uses in drawers, cabinets, and shelves.


Old newspapers should not only find its way into paper mache. In fact, they can be used as insulation. Carton egg trays an also serve this very same purpose. Hundreds of dollars can be saved from your pockets with this simple act.


Raid your kitchen of empty wine bottles and mason jars. If you think that they can be used only as pen holders and organizers of tiny tots, you'll be surprised that they can actually be used to build a house. Search for various inspirations of the internet and see that there is actually a wine farm in Australia which used abu 13500 wine bottles to design water-heating facility. Similarly, there is a Canadian man who used 25000 wine bottles to design his house.


Dating back to the 1900s, empty wine bottles have found various uses in construction of homes. In the United States, you can find several homes which have walls with embedded bottles on them. The idea is like hitting two birds in one stone as it serves aesthetic and structural purposes.


Reimagine your bathroom by using sea-sourced materials. If you're living near the shorelines, then it is a very wise idea to use natural materials you can find and pick from them. Shells and pebbles of various colors, shapes, and sizes can be perfect inclusions in the walls and floors of your bathroom. Isn't this idea very refreshing to embrace? This one can also save you from the usual high costs of bathroom tiles in home depots.